How to make DIY ESPboy?

how much more quieter? I am planning on using 80 ohm 2 watt speaker.

I can’t say, as I’ve never tried it. I don’t even know how loud a 50 ohm is.

Just make sure it actually is 80 ohm and not an 8 ohm with a typo.

Yes and yes. Both look to be the same as the ones used in the Instructables tutorial.

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If I use a potentiometer, I can control the loudness, so it doesn’t matter?

But why does it matter if it is 8 ohm or 80?

You can use a potentiometer to make it quieter but not louder. A potentiometer won’t help if it’s too quiet to begin with.

The pin driving the speaker can only provide so much current. The resistance of an 8 ohm speaker is so low that it will draw too much current from the pin and could damage the chip.

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Would 40 OHM work? Does it matter what the W is, like 0.5 W or 2W? If it’s too quiet, I can use a volume amplifier board? Like these ones or simmaler

40 ohm might be too low. Even 50 is a bit low.

W is the wattage rating, which is the maximum power the speaker can handle without damage. Anything over 0.25W is fine if you’re driving it directly from the pin.

You could but it would probably be an overkill. The real ESPboy uses a single transistor as an amplifier for an 8 ohm or 16 ohm speaker.

I would just try a piezo disc and see if that’s good enough for you. If you stick one to something that acts as a resonator, it may be loud enough. I like to stick them to the cut off bottom of a single serve yoghurt cup or similar. As seen here:

So about 20-30 is the sweet spot?

How? Also how do I add the rgb led? I have + one with anode form my arduboy project.

No. 50 or higher.

Look at the schematic.

There is no led

I can’t find 50 anywhere, I looked everywhere. So, 80 then? I don’t want to use a piezo disc because it has less range.

Aha! This is what I need. 8 ohm speakers are very cheap, like 3 dollars, transistors I have never used so please tell me how to do this. Which transistor is needed?

There is on the real ESPboy. It’s a “neopixel” WS2812 type, not a simple passive type.

So what range do you think you need? You can’t tell unless you try it.

Either learn how to read and use a schematic or just follow the diagrams you’ve been given using the specified components. I’m not going to tell you how to do it. Maybe someone else will.