ESPboy CHIP8/SCHIP emulator

ESP8266 ESPboy CHIP8/SCHIP emulator packed with 90 games


About chip8/schip:

Special thanks to:

and Alvaro Alea Fernandez for his Chip-8 emulator

Implemented all known quirks to provide wide compatibility

Used information from

The games should be with extention “.ch8” as <gamename.ch8>
To upload games to SPIFFS check:

For correct compilation, change settings in file «User_Setup.h» of TFT_eSPI library

  1. 50 #define TFT_WIDTH 128
  2. 53 #define TFT_HEIGHT 128
  3. 67 #define ST7735_GREENTAB3
  4. 149 #define TFT_CS -1
  5. 150 #define TFT_DC PIN_D8
  6. 152 #define TFT_RST -1
  7. 224 #define LOAD_GLCD
  8. 255 #define SPI_FREQUENCY 27000000


Few kind words from John Earnest, the author of great online CHIP8 IDE - OCTO )


The package you sent just arrived this afternoon, and the ESPBoy is working flawlessly:

This thing is totally adorable. Thank you so much!

I’m proud I could contribute to your fantastic project.

Best regards, and season’s greetings,


What can i say, “thank you so much for your kind words, John” )