Error compiling ESPboy_FirstTest

Probably, other than using LittleFS will likely result in a larger program size than using EEPROM.

As with EEPROM, I think the ESPboy should have a standard size defined for LittleFS. Otherwise, I believe the location of EEPROM will move and possibly be clobbered if different programs are compiled with different LittleFS filesystem sizes selected.

Do the way you like.
Anyway sometimes people forcing clearing the SPIFFS after uploading a new App )

I never thought about saving the contents of the EEPROM. All the programs are too different. For example, GB emulator can use almost all available EEPROM for game savings, Arduboy games use very different memory areas and often conflict with each other… and so on. I do not see the need to save data from different applications in EEPROM. And as I said earlier, later I will make it possible to upload application data to the network (in order to form a common inline hall of fame), but there was no plan to download them either.
All the same, ESPboy is not a professional gaming system. It is more of a tool for exploring technologies and platform for creativity.

You play the game for a while - a minute or a few days, then switches to another and forgot about previous… So if you have a possibility to save your progress, you’ll play a bit more that without it ) To few people could play for hours. I could play 5-10 minutes, then maybe 10 minutes more evening and one play the next day… Not more )

=> Not yet; not yet but it’s will be one day…